Face masks handed over to hospital
Medical protective equipment is in demand in Corona times. Our institute also supports Saxon hospitals and other institutions according to its possibilities.
The 3D-printed mask holders made of plastic, which are produced by the Cetex Institut gGmbH, the Chemnitz University of Technology and the Steinbeis Centres in Chemnitz, have already been made available to the following institutions:
- April 24th, 2020: 100 face protection masks - DRK Krankenhaus Chemnitz-Rabenstein
- April 27th, 2020: 12 face protection masks - Hairdressing salon HAARSCHARF in Chemnitz
- April 27th, 2020: 10 face protection masks - various ambulance services in Chemnitz
- April 30th, 2020: 100 face protection masks - DRK Hospital Chemnitz-Rabenstein
- April 30th, 2020: 1 face protection mask - Astrid Leistner-Die Zweithaarspezialisten in Chemnitz
- May 5th, 2020: 45 face protection masks- Ernsting's family Chemnitz
- May 12th, 2020: 10 face protection masks - Praxis für Physiotherapie Bodo Schimanski in Oederan
- May 12th, 2020: 30 face protection masks - Kreiskrankenhaus Freiberg GmbH
- May 13th, 2020: 20 face protection masks - Seniorenhaus St. Katharina in Frankenberg
- May 13th, 2020: 20 face protection masks - Stadtverband der Gehörlosen Chemnitz e.V.
- May 14th, 2020: 25 face protection masks - Zwergenohr, Elternkreis "Hörgeschädigte Kinder" Chemnitz-Erzgebirge
- May 14th, 2020: 40 face protection masks - Seniorenpflegeheim "Zwirnereigrund" in Mittweida
- May 19th, 2020: 30 face protection masks - DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Chemnitz subsidiary
- May 25th, 2020: 4 face protection masks - Physiotherapie Ines Müller in Chemnitz
- May 25th, 2020: 12 face protection masks - Friseursalon Buschmann GbR in Freiberg
- May 26th, 2020: 6 face protection masks - Kindertagesstätte "Haldenstörche" in Kleinvoigtsberg
- May 26th, 2020: 20 face protection masks - Lebensmittelüberwachungs- und Veterinäramt des Landkreises Mittelsachsen, Standort Mittweida
- May 26th, 2020: 8 face protection masks - PES Sachsen, Personalentwicklung Kerstin Seidel in Chemnitz
Feedback of the users:
Durchatmen: Masken ab - Visiere an!
Current information at the website of the Seniorenpflegeheim "Zwirnereigrund" in Mittweida
contact person
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Sebastian Nendel
Managing Director
+49 (0)371 5277-200
Contact by mail